Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the book of Hebrews 11:1, faith is described as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Knowing that substance is something that’s tangible or able to be held physically and seen with the natural eye, if one has to hope for a tangible substance, the fact that they would have to hope for it makes it evident that they do not posses whatever that substance may be. So in other words faith can be defined as a vision or dream; the thing that one can see in their thoughts or heart but not in their present state just yet. This is a key element found in the life of every human being who has ever aspired to achieve a thing that they feel is necessary to their life such as a college degree, home, certain job, business, or even good health. Faith is something that everyone uses in life sometimes with little awareness. One way faith is built is through the use of expectation by placing a demand on the very thing that one has dreamed, and causing it to become tangible because the actions or steps that are being taken are pulling the dream closer to reality. Everything that an individual does must be in line with the dream for it to become a reality. For example, if someone dreams of receiving a college degree it is necessary that they go to class on schedule and do what is expected of them in order to obtain their degree because degrees are not given out without having done the work required. If someone dreams of owning a home, they must understand that home ownership will require them to do all that’s necessary in order to own a home like possibly contacting a realtor and going through that process. For more details, you may obtain a copy of Faith In Action by following the link provided.

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